
GPN - Liberia - Renewable Energy for Electrification in Liberia (REEL Project)

Feb 19, 2020

The Republic of Liberia has received an African Development Fund (ADF) grant, ADF Loan, Scaling up Renewable Energy Program (SREP) grant and Transitional Support Facility (TSF) Pillar I grant (total of UA24.45 Million) from the African Development Bank (AfDB) to finance the  Renewable Energy for Electrification in Liberia (REEL Project).  The project is financed in the following components: (a) ADF loan amounting to UA 4.59 million, (b) ADF Grant amounting to UA 0.80 million, (c) a TSF Pillar I Grant amounting to UA 1.20 Million, and (d) a SREP Grant of USD 23.5Million (equivalent to UA 17.06 million.

general_procurement_notice-reel_project.pdf - 143kb